how to

Getting Functional with F# and The Game Of Life

One session at NDC that really kicked my grasp of functional programming up a few notches was Vagif Abilov’s discussion of Conway’s Game Of Life using F#. I’m not going to rehash the rules of Game Of Life here, if you aren’t familiar with them then read this. Vagif’s source code is on github and his slides are on slideshare. His stuff is well worth a look, but don’t look yet.

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Fluent Mocking

Here’s a scenario (for once not a hypothetical scenario, this is a real system I worked on). I was building a wizard based app. To be more accurate I was building lots of wizard based apps. After a couple of wizards the functionality became clear and I extracted it to it’s own framework. My apps could then focus on actual bread and butter functionality. Two of the objects in my framework are ‘Wizard’ and ‘WizardStep’.

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